Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Father & Son Bonding

It's not enough that they work and play "farm" but they have to read about it too!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Great Weekend

What a fun weekend! Friday night we celebrated my birthday by going to The Melting Pot in Greenwood. Sally and Eric went with us and what a fun time. Great food and lots of laughs, mostly at Eric!!!! Laura came over to watch the boys. They love her so much and she is a wonderful girl. Definately a keeper!!!!

Then on Saturday we went to our traditional Valentine event. The Farm Machinery Show (don't get to jealous girls I know it is everything you would want too). However, this year was a little different. It was the first year we took Max. He had never been to something like this nor to tractor pulls. He did pretty terrific. He did sleep through 2 classes of tractor pulls (2 hours) so that helped. Really, who can sleep through tractor pulls? If anyone can, my children can!!!!! Brock had to stay at home. My mom came over and watched him for the day! THANKS MOM!

The only disadvantage of having a great weekend out is that now it's Sunday and there's lots to do around the house before the new week begins!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I am looking for a sectional couch to put in my basement. It doesn't have to be in perfect condition but nice enough! I really don't have a color preference either. If anyone knows of one for sale or someone just wanting to get rid of one please let me know through this blog or e-mail me at amaschino1@verizon.net.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Days

We made it through the bad weather. The boys and myself actually didn't leave the house until Friday night. (I guess working at home has more than one advantage). Max did go out and play in the snow and loved it. Brock on the other hand did not. He is nuts about getting stuff on his hands and when the snow got on his boots and gloves he had a fit. So, Andy put him in the truck and let him watch from there.
I was able to meet my new nephew this weekend. His name is Caiden Alexander. I was also able to visit with his brother, Dominic. I don't get to see them often, so it was nice. They are so cute and Dominic is growing up so fast.
Andy did some great work this weekend. I had a list of like 8 things for him to accomplish and guess what he got them all done. I am soooooo proud. He was working on one of the closets doing some reorganization and pulled the boys' book basket out and as you can see from the picture, Brock was in heaven. I am so glad they both enjoy reading. Even though it made a tremendous mess for me to clean up.