Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Madelyn Elaine Maschino
We are offically a family of 5. Madelyn Elaine Maschino entered the world Saturday, October 17th at 12:30 a.m. She weighed 8.1 lbs and 19 1/2 in long. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Everything went well although not exactly to plan. I arrived at the hospital fully complete and ready to push. You know what that means . . . no epidural. This was NOT the plan. Was definately scared to death. I had no idea I was that far into labor and I had an epidural with both the boys, but after 4 minutes, yes only 4 minutes of pushing she arrived perfectly. It all happened so fast. My labor didn't start until 9:30 p.m. and she was here 3 hours later. WOW! We are heading home from the hospital Monday morning to begin our lives as a family of five. Max & Brock have visited us in the hospital 3 times and they love her. Max will be great with her, Brock is the one I will need to watch. He is so loving, but wants attention to and he's doing it by trying to pinch and poke. Well Madelyn is going to sleep so I am too.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Countdown Is On!!
Things have been very busy around the Maschino Household. We have no more than 4 weeks left before Baby Madelyn arrives. Most things are ready, but I have a few finishing touches on the nursery. (Pictures to come) I always said I was not going to change it from when the boys were in there but I could resist. The boys are getting anxious, especially Max. He asks about everyday if this is the day she's coming out. We have told him all along that she will come this fall when the combines come out to harvest. Well, on Tuesday I told him it was the first day of Fall and we were going to make trees for a project. He said "oh yeah is Madelyn coming today???" Well I kind of wished he was right, but patience, patience. She will be here soon enough and this household is going to change forever, for the better (I'm sure most of the time)!!!
Max has been in preschool for several weeks now and is finally enjoying it. He also started his vision therapy, which is absolutley loves. Probably more than preschool. He has started learning braille. Yesterday he typed his name on the Braille Machine. It is amazing how quickly kids pick up on things. He is truely a very smart kid. His memory is unbelievable.
We also have been working hard on getting our yard back together. It doesn't look like it is going to be done anytime soon!!!!!!!! Which doesn't make this pregnant women very happy. The garage is done, but the concrete around it and the sidewalks are not done. We have dirt or should I say mud everywhere (beings it rained for the last 5 days). Water line trenches, rock piles, lime piles, ugh... I am very disappointed because I thought when we started building this garage it would all be done in time to reseed the yard and once again my schedule and someone elses schedule doesn't match up. Anyway, on this something else. I just needed to vent.
I haven't taken any pictures lately. Need to be doing that, but have been so busy. Will try to get some posted soon!!!!
Max has been in preschool for several weeks now and is finally enjoying it. He also started his vision therapy, which is absolutley loves. Probably more than preschool. He has started learning braille. Yesterday he typed his name on the Braille Machine. It is amazing how quickly kids pick up on things. He is truely a very smart kid. His memory is unbelievable.
We also have been working hard on getting our yard back together. It doesn't look like it is going to be done anytime soon!!!!!!!! Which doesn't make this pregnant women very happy. The garage is done, but the concrete around it and the sidewalks are not done. We have dirt or should I say mud everywhere (beings it rained for the last 5 days). Water line trenches, rock piles, lime piles, ugh... I am very disappointed because I thought when we started building this garage it would all be done in time to reseed the yard and once again my schedule and someone elses schedule doesn't match up. Anyway, on this something else. I just needed to vent.
I haven't taken any pictures lately. Need to be doing that, but have been so busy. Will try to get some posted soon!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zoo, Museum, Fair, School . . . Whatelse????
Waiting in line outside preschool -
Was not an excited little boy!
Leaving home for 1st day of preschool
Played to hard at Museum - Needed a nap!
Work, Work, Work
Ice Cream Anyone???
Turn, turn, turn
Petting the baby sharks
Mommy, Max, Brock & Rex at the Museum
Max & Mommy take a break from the heat! UGH
Take a rest on the train!
It has been a busy last few days and although all of the pictures above are out of order, this is what we've been doing. We left Friday for the Indy Zoo. It was hot! The boys loved the dolphin show, the train ride and the playground. That was about it. We went back to the hotel and swam in their pool for 2 hours, which the boys also loved!
Saturday we headed to the Children's Museum. That was a great time. Max loved everything and we spent about 6 hours there. Sunday was another hot one at the State Fair. We had a good time, but we were just all tired from the weekend and did I mention it was HOT!
After getting home late Sunday and settling back into home, we had to get Max ready for his 1st day at preschool on Monday.
So, we get to preschool and of course he is the only one crying and they had to pry him off of Andy's leg and carry him inside. Once inside they said he did fine, but did not participate a lot. He didn't really want to talk a lot about it when he got home either.
Today, was day 2. He did much better going in and he said he did some of the songs, worksheets and coloring. So, I guess we are improving. Maybe next week will be even better.
BABY MADELYN update. Going to the doctor every 2 weeks now and am on the home stretch (last 9 weeks). Everything is going fine. Trying to get her room put together, but that is going slow!!!!! She moves like crazy. Andy said I said this about Max & Brock both but I don't remember them moving this much. You can just look at my belly anytime and just see it rolling around! Beautiful feeling but she could take a rest sometimes to & I would be okay!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's Been a While
Getting ready for VBS
On the Way to VBS
Having fun upon the dirt pile
Almost 28 weeks
It's been a while since I have done a post. It's one of those things that a lot is going on but not a lot to talk about I guess. Anyway, I'm almost 28 weeks along and had another doctor appointment this past Monday. Everything sounded great and I'm measuring right on. I had my glucose test done a week ago and that came back normal. Thank God, because there is no way I could do the shots everyday!!!!! She is moving around tons and I believe we have a gymnist in the works with all the summersults she is doing in there.
We have recently put another addition to our property. We built a 3 car garage, so we have been spending a lot of time trying to get that all put back together, dirt, grass, etc. . . The boys have loved it. Instead of a sandbox (which they have been wanting and I won't get) they have a dirt pile and a lime pile.
They also started Vacation Bible School this week. We've went two nights so far and they are enjoying it. Max has already been singing all of the songs and talking about his teacher, Vickie.
Oh and how could I forget. Max has a new invisible friend. For those of you who don't know, he has had one invisible friend named Dottie. She doesn't ever come with us anywhere because apparently she is sick a lot and goes to the doctor. But she feeds cows with him and he talks about her. Well, a couple of days ago he said he had another friend, named Robbie. Robbie lives close to Dottie and is a farmer. Anyway, I think this house is getting full enough but as long as his friends stay invisible we will be okay.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Holiday World
They rode these Monster Trucks 4 times
Brock rode the Rockets by himself & they went high
Brock with Holidog!!!!
We went to Holiday World on Wednesday and a great time was had by all. I really enjoy the place. It's big enough for us to have plunty to do but not to large that you can't do everything you want. The boys did great all day, especially Brock beings this was probably the first day in 2 1/2 years that he didn't have a nap! It was hot but we weathered through it with the free drinks and little fans. I didn't get a lot of pictures because it was hassle enough just trying to do things but we have a few. They absolutely loved the wave pool and the small kiddie rides. Max would say his favorite thing was the playground. Don't we have one here in town that you can play on for free? Brock will be the brave adventurous one when he gets a little bigger. He wanted to ride everything. There was a little kids drop zone and he stood at the gate for it yelling "I ride that, I bounce". He is not afraid of anything. Scary!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Swimming Lessons
We have completed 2 out of 5 days of swimming lessons with Max. Monday was okay but last night was definately better. He was kicking his feet on his back and stomach and making bubbles in the water. He is so excited about them and loves his teacher, Tara. She had him using the noodle to work with his kicking and also a kick board. She has been so great with him both nights and has gotten him to do more things then I would have expected. So far a success, three more nights to go!!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Choo-Choo!! All Aboard
21 weeks
All is well with the pregnancy! As you can see from the photo I am protruding. At 21 weeks I have gained 20 pounds. (Isn't that what I am supposed to gain during the whole pregnancy?) Oh well, I am not to worried about it. I gained 50 with Max & Brock both. Besides, I am still wearing some regular clothes along with maternity.
Saturday was a great morning with the family. There isn't to many Saturday mornings that we spend as a family, but this weekend they had train rides in town and we took the boys to it (Aunt Sally and cousin Kennendy joined us). We started off the morning at the White Front Cafe for breakfast - excellent and highly recommended and then boarded the train. It was a 20 minute ride and the boys enjoyed it. Max had his train whistle and was blowing it the entire time. It was a good time had by all.
Sunday Max went swimming again. He used the floatie by himself and the life jacket a little bit by himself. He is doing so well. He starts lessons tomarrow night without me in the pool! I think he will do great.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It's a. . .
Well it's official! We will be having a GIRL!!!! Dr. Pam looked 3 times and never seen anything poking around!!!!! Max is so excited and of course I am as well. Everyone is already asking me okay, now you will be having your girl are you done now? The answer is. . . I don't know. Let me get through this one first before I start thinking about being done or number 4. I'm just excited, happy and blessed that I will be able to experience both sexes.
We have discussed names a little but didn't settle on anything until we found out the sex. One of the names Max picked up on and stuck with was Madelyn. He has been telling us he wants a sister, Madelyn and kissing my belly. So, because that was on our list anyway, we thought it would be nice to have Max be a part of naming the baby. Therefore, the name will be Madelyn Elaine Maschino!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have discussed names a little but didn't settle on anything until we found out the sex. One of the names Max picked up on and stuck with was Madelyn. He has been telling us he wants a sister, Madelyn and kissing my belly. So, because that was on our list anyway, we thought it would be nice to have Max be a part of naming the baby. Therefore, the name will be Madelyn Elaine Maschino!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Baby Turns 4
Well it is official, my baby is no longer a baby or a toddler!!!! Max turned 4 yesterday and he was in full force. We didn't do a big party this year. A few of us just met at Pizza Kingdom and enjoyed, food, games and his gifts. He got his very first bicycle with training wheels and as you can see it didn't take him long to go on his own. He is growing up so fast!!!!!
Not a lot going on with me. I'm doing great with the exception of extreme back pain, but I can't do much about that. I have another doctor's appointment next week, so I will give an update then and probably a new picture of the belly!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Opening Season
Well Andy is getting slightly a late start but the boys have been waiting patiently. Planting season is in full swing!!!!! Yeah for Andy. . .means more parenting work for me though.
Not a lot has been happening. Got the pool ready at in-laws last weekend. We put a new liner in and Max was ready to swim. Not quite. . .Fresh water will take awhile to warm up.
This holiday weekend brings me to another doctors appointment and a yard sale that I'm having. Will be a busy weekend, but I'm off on Friday which makes it a 4 day holiday for me. Yeah!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Successfull Move
Well last night was night 4 of Max & Brock in their new twin beds in the same room. Brock has been doing awesome. I thought we would have a lot of trouble but so far so good. We do not let Max take his after lunch nap in their room and Brock is out within 10 minutes. At bedtime when they are together they take a little longer to fall asleep, but they stay in their own beds and kind of talk back and forth. Eventually they nod off for the entire night. I've got two pretty cool boys. Even in the morning, Max wakes up and comes out without bothering Brock and he gets to sleep another hour or so!! So, it's working out well!!!!
Andy's cousin had a baby girl this past Friday, 3 months premature. She was 2 lbs and 14 inches long. Amazingly enough she is in almost perfect health besides her weight and prematurity. She is staying in her local hospital and doing awesomely well. Just say a prayer that she continues to be a miracle as everything seemed to be developed even at 3 months premature. WOW!!!!!!!!
Today is Andy's 30th birthday. I thought we would do something tonight, but guess what he has a meeting. Between farming and meetings it gets a little frustrating. Oh well, maybe he will get home early and we can have a bedtime snack together! Wow 30 for him means a few more months and it will be my turn. Oh well, that's a while away and I have more important things to focus on!
Andy's cousin had a baby girl this past Friday, 3 months premature. She was 2 lbs and 14 inches long. Amazingly enough she is in almost perfect health besides her weight and prematurity. She is staying in her local hospital and doing awesomely well. Just say a prayer that she continues to be a miracle as everything seemed to be developed even at 3 months premature. WOW!!!!!!!!
Today is Andy's 30th birthday. I thought we would do something tonight, but guess what he has a meeting. Between farming and meetings it gets a little frustrating. Oh well, maybe he will get home early and we can have a bedtime snack together! Wow 30 for him means a few more months and it will be my turn. Oh well, that's a while away and I have more important things to focus on!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Phase Two
15 weeks and 15 lbs heavier already!!
I have entered into the second trimester and it is starting off much better than the first. Most all sickness has gone away, however the horrible back pain has started. You wouldn't think something that weighs one ounce could put so much pain on a back. My back is extremely bad anyway and this only makes it worse, but it is worth it!!
Well we finally got the boys new beds. We have been talking about it for 4 months now. They are actually twin bunk beds but we kept them apart. Max wants to have them built into the bunks, but I think if we did it he wouldn't like it once he got up there. Maybe in a year. Anyway, he slept in his new bed last night, but Brock hasn't yet. We need to get another mattress. When we went the other night they only had one, so the bed is together just not complete. Probably in the next few days he will leave his crib and go into a big boy bed. I am extremely nervous about this. We had rough times with Max moving from the crib to a big bed, but I'm sure it will be much worse with them both in the same room. Brock is an awesome sleeper and I'm so afraid Max is going to hender that. I guess we don't have a choice, so we shall see.
Friday, April 24, 2009
And the Doctor Appointments Begin
We were just to the point were we were making maybe a trip to the doctor every six months and here I go and get pregnant again. When Brock went for his two year check up in March it had been since in 15 month check up that he had been and Max hasn't been since his 3 year check up last June. We made it the entire winter without going to the doctor. Of course, I had to call a couple of times, but never had to go in. Now I should probably knock on wood or we will end up there every week.
My first official doctor's appointment was this past Wednesday. I am 14 weeks and we were able to hear the heart beat. I am definately getting a belly and will post a picture soon. So, the pregnancy appointments begin. . . another one in four weeks, then ultrasound in another two then another and so on. . . Not to complain in the least bit, it is just hard to leave the daycare. Maybe I should just quit. . . okay Sally don't worry, I'm just kidding for now!!!!!!!!!!!
My first official doctor's appointment was this past Wednesday. I am 14 weeks and we were able to hear the heart beat. I am definately getting a belly and will post a picture soon. So, the pregnancy appointments begin. . . another one in four weeks, then ultrasound in another two then another and so on. . . Not to complain in the least bit, it is just hard to leave the daycare. Maybe I should just quit. . . okay Sally don't worry, I'm just kidding for now!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Blessings
Max & Cousin Tyler
Are we sure they are 2 & 3 years old?
We had a wonderful Easter. We got up Sunday morning and went to church and then came home and got ready for the Vance Easter gathering at 12:00. That was a nice time with a great egg hunt. Max & Brock both did great. I wasn't sure how Brock would do, but he took off running and filled his bucket full. Then we went to visit my grandma. She was in the hospital up until Friday, so we didn't have an Easter dinner but we visited for a while and the boys love to see "grammy".
We really have so much to be thankful for. We thank God for giving us everything we have, each other, our boys, our new baby coming, our home and everything surrounding it. We take for granted that it should just all be there for us, but really we are so lucky.
I've been feeling okay. I've gone from nausea 80% of the time to feeling pretty good with about 20% of the day with nausea and vomitting. Hopefully that will all be leaving me very soon. I'm definately getting a belly. Seems really early but I guess when I've already had 2 kids in the last 4 years things seem to protrude out quickly.
Monday, April 6, 2009
4+ 1 = Family
Well it is announcement time! Andy and I are expecting our 3rd child. I am currently 12 weeks along and have visited the doctor once. I go again in a couple of weeks to do a heart beat check, etc. . . My due date is October 23rd. We have told a few family members and friends and I'm sure word will get around quickly. We haven't really told the boys. They would forget within 10 minutes anyway and wouldn't understand. My guess is we will tell them when I get ready and deliver. We will see!!!!
In other family news, not a lot is going on. We've just been keeping busy with day to day chores. We did have an addition to my family: My brother's girlfriend had a little boy. Sage Allen was born on, get this, April 1st. Easy delivery for her and everything is fine.
Andy's niece also had her 1st birthday party Saturday, so we traveled to Greenwood for that. Happy 1st Birthday Alexis!!!!!!!
Andy and my 6th wedding anniversary was Sunday too. We weren't able to do a date night, but we did spend the day together, so that counts for something. Hopefully sometime soon we can have that date night.
All other is going well, I'm trying to get ready for outside work. I.E. start mowing, pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc. . . if the weather would decide if it's going to be warm or cold.
In other family news, not a lot is going on. We've just been keeping busy with day to day chores. We did have an addition to my family: My brother's girlfriend had a little boy. Sage Allen was born on, get this, April 1st. Easy delivery for her and everything is fine.
Andy's niece also had her 1st birthday party Saturday, so we traveled to Greenwood for that. Happy 1st Birthday Alexis!!!!!!!
Andy and my 6th wedding anniversary was Sunday too. We weren't able to do a date night, but we did spend the day together, so that counts for something. Hopefully sometime soon we can have that date night.
All other is going well, I'm trying to get ready for outside work. I.E. start mowing, pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc. . . if the weather would decide if it's going to be warm or cold.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Brock Turns 2

This past weekend was a busy one. Brock turned 2 on Saturday, so on Friday night for his birthday present we went to see Playhouse Disney Live in Louisville. This was a very good show that I enjoyed myself. They had Mickey, Minnie and Pals, Tigger, Pooh & Darby, Little Einsteins & Handy Mandy! It took Max a few minutes to get adjusted and figure out where we were but after about 20 minutes he watched and enjoyed. Brock liked it as well and danced to the music. A good time had by all of us. Saturday evening was his party. We had family over for a soup supper & cake. Thank you to everyone for coming and celebrating Brock turning 2.
Wow 2 years old, it doesn't seem that long ago and we were celebrating Max turning 2 and now he is getting ready to turn 4. Time flys, especially when you're busy!!!!
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